

Baked Pear, Molasses, Almond

Drip or Filter | Medium Roast | Blend

If you're seeking a dependable buddy for your Aeropress, Chemex or other filter brewer, we'd suggest taking the Fremont Blend for a spin. Those aromas of baked pear and molasses will rise up out of the cup and reward your patience while you brew.

Coffee info



Fair Trade

Roaster notes

The medium roast lends to allowing the fruit, nut and tea like flavors to shine in the cup. In season coffees that are also certified Fair Trade ensure the quality and sustainability of the relationship for years to come in every brewed cup you enjoy.


Ladro Roasting
Ladro Roaster Image

Ladro has always valued sustainably and ethically produced coffee, adopting a 'fair trade only' since 2000. Around 2011 they launched Ladro Roasting, which opened up the ability to source green coffee through direct relationships and reach a country-wide customer base.

Seattle, WA
Ladro Roaster Image

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