01 Espresso
Dark Sugar, Mango, Cola
Some of these modern espresso blends read like a cocktail recipe: tangerine, clover honey and dark chocolate – a party! This blend consists of three drastically different components that magically work together in harmony to create a highly compatible and totally unforgettable home espresso.
Coffee info
3000 - 5200 ft
Roaster notes
Our latest 01 ESPRESSO celebrates the work of four groups of farmers from four distinct regions\nacross the world. As much as we enjoy celebrating the individual efforts of farmers representing\ndifferent farms, it’s worth noting that regional blends play a very important role in communities\nthroughout the coffee growing world. Strengthening individual quality through collaboration and\nteamwork makes each of these coffees a showcase of these combined efforts. Thanks to the efforts\nof many, we have landed on an approachable 01 blend that is bright, complex & super special.\n

Coffee Manufactory aims to make the world a little smaller by bringing coffee drinkers closer to farms, farms closer to roasters, roasters closer to baristas and so on. They understand the importance of maintaining the human element of these relationships, not only the shiny marketing that commodifies such a special product. They envisage a future steeped in good, balanced and clean values, both in the cup and their relationships.